domingo, 15 de septiembre de 2013

DRAMA WORKSHOP: New School Year with lots of surprises

The New School Year has started for Drama Workshop and its 20 new actors.
They began the class saying hello to our bloggers.

Then, they discovered the difference of sitting down on the green carpet, as spectators, and on
the red carpet, as puppeteers.
There they learnt the only two rules during the class: 
"Respect yourself and respect the teacher"

After that, they watched some original trailers -Lion King, Mamma Mia- to encourage them to create something imaginative and creative during the current school year.

Later, they learnt their first song which will be part of the play to be performed before Christmas.

To finish, they played the puppets: Mr. Complaints and Miss Sympathy, close-up friends from now  onwards.

And that's all for now. Bye, friends!!!

sábado, 1 de junio de 2013

Drama Workshop students take part in MET First Meeting

Students of 1º ESO-1, who reinforce their English with the Drama Workshop, have taken part in MET First Meeting held at Julio Caro Baroja High School. 

The celebration was held last Friday, May 31st. All MET students presented the projects worked along the school year in three languages: Spanish, Basque and English.

It became a very successful celebration. The students had a confident behaviour and looked proud of their work. The teachers felt completely satisfied with the hard work carried out in order to prepare the exhibition.

Below we can watch the sketch performed by the students, The Letter, an urban legend,  and one of the songs: "In the Cemetery".

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

Funny School Times 2: Performance

In the following glogster we can see a sort of summary of all the aspects worked in class before the performance of Funny School Times 2: Schedule of the workshop, some scripts, PPTs about the classes, rehersals and Performance, some memorable pictures, videos and links.
We hope you will enjoy it.

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Performance of Funny School Times - 2

Yesterday 16th April,  at 19:00 the students of MET 1º ESO-1 performed Funny School Times 2, a musical specially composed for them, in the Salón de Actos of the IES Julio Caro Baroja BHI.
They were performing for 50 minutes in a very varied show.
During the play they presented some of their digital projects about their concept on Drama Classes. They also sang and danced.

Parents and friends enjoyed the performance until the last minute. At the end of the show, many of them went onto the stage to have a memorable picture with the actors.

Our best camerawoman and T-COM teacher, Txaro Rubinos,  as usual, recorded the show.
To watch some videos click here.
Today, the have performed for all 1º-ESO of our High School. After the performance there has been an interesting  dialogue with the actors.

martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

Funny School Times -2, The Musical

After a long long term preparing songs and sketches Drama Workshop is getting to their finish line.

 In just 24 hours the stage will be full with emotions and illusions, and the seats in the stalls complete.
But to get to the date, the students , and the teacher, have had to overcome time and destiny.
What have time and destiny been so far?

viernes, 1 de marzo de 2013

DRAMA WORKSHOP, a special creative class.

In Drama Workshop students have a lot of different activities. Many of these activities look for one special aim: Creativity. The ways to achieve "creativity" in class are different.
In the following glogster we can appreciate the way they excite their imagination:

martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

4th Week: Clever Jackal

Today they have started class reviewing "Elements of a Play":
Theme - Communication -Conflict -Mood - Character - Plot - Stagecraft.
In the picture we can observe the different "Directors" of the different teams leading their actors during the rehearsal:

In order to follow the Trilingualism General Project for the English subjects, this term we have started working with tales. The difference is that  in Drama Workshop we choose tales to be performed or we write the necessary dialogues for the number of actors of the class.

Our first tale will be Clever Jackal. It's an interesing and witty story situated in Africa. Different animals give different solutions  not to be eaten by Tiger.

  In the pictures we see them reading aloud and setting the story on the class stage.